Omsys Email All

f. Email All

Like before you have the ability to send html emails, however there is now a built in Content editor to help and preview emails. I will begin at the very top of the page there is a feature that says “Load previous email”, using this drop down and the “load” button one can load into the editor a previously saved email, or a template to design a new email within.

Load Previous Email - Using this drop down and Load, one can load into the editor a previously saved email, or a template to design a new email within.

Reference Name - This is an internal reference name. Not used in the actual email.

Subject - This is going to become the subject of the email once it has been sent.

Body - This is the main body of the email.

Email Type - allows the user to choose the type of document to save their creation as.
Template - Will make it appear in the drop down at the top of the page
Snippet - Can save what’s in the body text area as a Snippet which can be inserted via a button on the interface for later use
Signature - Can save email as a template

Save as New - If you are creating a new email to be saved for later use one must check the “Save as new” textbox. If it is an existing email / template / snippet / signature then just hitting save will be sufficient.

Delete - Hit Delete to delete the current displayed email.

Send Test - There is as before the ability to test send to yourself before a mass mail out. Tick selectionbox next to send only to and type in your email address and hit Send Mail

Send Mail - To all distributors click Send Mail.

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